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The Department of Employment Services works with Eligible Training providers to offer Individual Training Accounts (“ITA”) to eligible Adults and Dislocated Workers in need of occupational skills training, as defined by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (“WIOA”).


For additional information on joining any one of the ITA training classes please call the number listed or to register for the next virtual training orientation with the American Jobs Center visit the link below



and/or visit



*The American Job Center operation is funded 100%  by the Employment and Training Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor as part of an Adult WIOA ($4,211,055), Dislocated Worker WIOA ($10,070,193), and Wagner Peyser ( $1,931,319) award totaling $16,212,567*





Who Are We
For more information see contact informat at the bottom of the screen

Current ITA training offerings include: 


Offers training programs for A+ Computer Repair certification.  The training courses require a minimum Seventh Grade CASAS Reading & Math Exam scores. 


Offers training programs for A+ Training certification.  The training courses require a minimum Tenth Grade CASAS Reading & Math Exam scores. 


Offers training programs for AWS Cloud Practitioner certification.  The training courses require a minimum Ninth Grade CASAS Reading & Math Exam scores 


Offers training programs for BOS w/MOS certification.  The training courses require a minimum Eighth Grade CASAS Reading & Math Exam scores.  


Offers training programs for both Class A and Class B CDL licenses.  The training courses require a minimum Sixth Grade CASAS Reading & Math Exam scores.   


Offers training programs for CCNA Certification.  The training courses require a minimum Ninth Grade CASAS Reading & Math Exam scores.   


Offers training programs for Electronic Medical Records certification.  The training courses require a minimum Tenth Grade CASAS Reading & Math Exam scores. 


Offers training programs for GRCP certification.  The training courses require a minimum Tenth Grade CASAS Reading & Math Exam scores. 


Offers training programs for Green Building Practices certification.  The training courses require a minimum Tenth Grade CASAS Reading & Math Exam scores. 


Offers training programs for Green Infrastructure certification.  The training courses require a minimum Tenth Grade CASAS Reading & Math Exam scores. 


Offers training programs for Home Health Aide Diploma.  The training courses require a minimum Tenth Grade CASAS Reading & Math Exam scores. 


Offers training programs for Home Health Aide License.  The training courses require a minimum Eighth Grade CASAS Reading & Seventh Grade Math Exam scores. 


Offers training programs for IT Essentials.  The training courses require a minimum Ninth Grade CASAS Reading & Math Exam scores. 


Offers training programs for Network + certification.  The training courses require a minimum Ninth Grade CASAS Reading & Math Exam scores.


Offers training programs for Security + certification.  The training courses require a minimum Ninth Grade CASAS Reading & Math Exam scores.   



Additional Free Certifications
(not DOES related)

  • ServSafe Operating Guidance: COVID-19 Precautions |

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  • ServSafe Conflict De-escalation: COVID-19 Precautions |

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Get resources and stay informed of the latest updates from the National Restaurant Association and other authoritative sources including the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The free downloadable resources provide guidance to operators and restaurant workers on the coronavirus pandemic, which include:​

  • Coronavirus: What You Can Do Fact Sheet (English and Spanish)

  • Preparing for Coronavirus: Steps for Foodservice and Restaurant Readiness On-Demand Webinar

  • Handwashing video, poster and infographic

  • Cleaning and sanitizing poster

  • Effects of COVID-19 on restaurants, hospitality, and foodservice FAQs


Visit for these free resources.

College & Career resources




  • Virtual classes for students and virtual work for staff |

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